Yoga, Life & Inspiration with Kelly Brandon

Hello, everyone!
Community is so important to me, so I launched this blog to help us stay connected and inspired — and to keep our vibrations high during challenging times! I’ll share everything from asana explanations and yoga philosophy & history to my inspirations and off-the-mat faves. I look forward to helping us stay balanced and fostering our community’s collective well-being.

Who was Patañjali?
Kelly Brandon Kelly Brandon

Who was Patañjali?

Yoga History & Philosophy

Patañjali is the systematizer, organizer, or arranger of Yoga, and almost every discipline of Yoga (and every teacher training in the East and West) recognizes or studies  him and his work.  He created the Yoga Sutras, the core text of the Yoga Darshana (darshana means view or viewing) — one of the Six Classical Indian Schools of Philosophy.

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