Yoga, Life & Inspiration with Kelly Brandon
Hello, everyone!
Community is so important to me, so I launched this blog to help us stay connected and inspired — and to keep our vibrations high during challenging times! I’ll share everything from asana explanations and yoga philosophy & history to my inspirations and off-the-mat faves. I look forward to helping us stay balanced and fostering our community’s collective well-being.
The Importance of a Self-Care Routine
Inspiration & Insight
Has your self care taken a back seat over the past year? In the beginning of quarantine, many of us started out with the greatest of intentions (“Everyday I’m going to workout, do yoga, meditate, walk, read more, cook more, learn something new, etc.”) in an effort to nourish and better ourselves. A lot of us did a great job for a while. . .
Who was Patañjali?
Yoga History & Philosophy
Patañjali is the systematizer, organizer, or arranger of Yoga, and almost every discipline of Yoga (and every teacher training in the East and West) recognizes or studies him and his work. He created the Yoga Sutras, the core text of the Yoga Darshana (darshana means view or viewing) — one of the Six Classical Indian Schools of Philosophy.
What is the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali?
Yoga History & Philosophy
If you’ve practiced yoga for while, at some point you’ve probably heard your teacher refer to the Yoga Sutras or to someone named Patañjali and wondered, “What and who exactly are they talking about?” That would be Yoga philosophy, and the philosophy of Yoga is the soul of the practice.
Ardha Matsyendrasana — Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Asana of the Week
Oh ardha matsyendrasana, how I love thee! If I could only choose one asana to practice for the rest of my life, this would be the one! I know its not as impressive as a handstand or as exotic as having a leg behind your head, but in my body and mind, this posture feels incredible!
Indra Devi — The First Lady Of Yoga
Yoga History & Philosophy
In honor of Women’s History Month, allow me to introduce you to Indra Devi, known as the First Lady of Yoga and the Mother of Western Yoga.
Janu Sirsasana A — Knee to Head Posture A
Asana of the Week
Energetically speaking, jānu śīrsāsana brings calmness to the mind. Due to the chest folding over the extended leg, the heart is lowered and brought close to gravity- this causes the heart to slow down.
All Hail the Queens of Pop
Off the Mat Faves
Ok, so I’m totally feeling Lady Gaga lately! In case you haven’t noticed her sliding into my playlists over the past few months ;). Now, let me preface with the fact that I am a proud GenX’er! I am a ride or die, All Hail the Queen of Pop Madonna! girl always and forever! I feel I have to state that considering the drama, rivalry and obvious shade between the two of them for the last decade.
Salamba Sarvangasana — Supported Shoulder Stand
Asana of the Week
Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) is referred to as the “Queen” or “Mother” of āsanas (postures). “A mother strives for harmony and happiness in the home, so this āsana strives for harmony and happiness of the human system” -B.K.S. Iyengar.
Yoga, Life & Inspiration With Kelly Brandon
Inspiration & Insight
Hello Warrior! Welcome to my very first blog post! Reaching out and connecting with you off the mat, like we used to in our studio culture, is something I’ve greatly missed since the pandemic. I decided to launch my blog to help us stay connected, inspired and keep our vibrations high during these challenging times and new normals.